When it is this time of the year, its time for the Academy awards aka Oscars. Come 24th Feb, the curtains go up for the awards ceremony at the Kodak theater,CA. All I am concerned about is the animation category. Last year year was a disappointment for the Pixar fan in me, as Cars lost to Happy Feet, leaving me not so happy. This year, I keep my fingers crossed for the Pixar movie Ratatouille that is in contention for 5 different categories. Three films compete for the Best animated feature, they are, Ratatouille, Surf's up and Persepolis. Ratatouille and Surf's up are 3d animated movies, while Persepolis is a black and white 2d animation feature.
All the three movies are unique in a sense. Surf's up is kinda usual talking animals movie, made with finesse; its documentary type making makes it unique though.At times I felt like watching a Discovery channel program The water simulation for the waves is the best CG creation ever made; So much of details has gone into its making.
Ratatouille is one of the best if not the best animation movie ever made. The movie has been made with broader audience in mind and stands to its expectation. With a fresh storyline, that doesn't warrant a fanfare at the first instance, the movie has actually tasted phenomenal success wherever it was released. Brad Bird, the director, has come up trumps yet again.
Persepolis is completely different from the other two movies. This 2d animated B/W classic from Sony picture classic, is directed towards mature audience. This movie based on a novel about an Iranian woman in the backdrop of the Iranian revolution is the hottest contender for coveted trophy.
If Persepolis takes home the statuette, it will be a recognition for the animation medium as a story telling medium, breaking the current mind-set that its a medium to make stuff for kids. It will also break the barrier between animated feature and live action feature films.
On February 18, the Chinese New Year was born. According to the Chinese calender, this year is the 'Year of the Rat'. I wish it is also the 'Year of the Rat' at the Oscars.
Just one day, and we'll know it!